The Cat's Meow!

Hodges Homeplace  Investigation  11/07/2009

"Here, kitty!"  Do animals still roam the house and fields of their beloved home?  Perhaps.  The Hodges Homeplace's magic had the Ghost PRO team at the aroma of pot roast........

Our client contacted the Ghost PRO team to report paranormal activity in the family home of nearly 150 years. From its log cabin origins, the home had been added to over the years to accommodate the growing clan. It is now a stately and handsome presence along the rural road that leads from Hodges to Greenwood. The house proudly stands as a monument to the rich history of one family and to the important parts it and family members played in the history of its town. The town of Hodges is unique in that it is still preserved and beautifully maintained very much as it was since its beginnings as a town.

We arrived at the homestead in the daylight hours, giving us a chance to explore the house, the barn and other outbuildings and to make our preliminary readings. We chatted with our client and learned about the home's history. Soon the investigation begun, and the first room we spent some time in was the central bedroom where the owner’s great uncle had passed. A Class-A EVP caught from this session is of a male voice saying, “And I won’t matter”.  It is to be duly noted that no males were present in the house during our investigation.

The kitchen held the most powerful paranormal experiences of the evening, though. There was no mistaking the kitchen was the heart of this home. We had began our session in the cheery blue and white country kitchen where it was easy to imagine how Sunday dinners and holiday mealtimes would have ensued, with aunties and grannies bustling about, busily preparing a feast for hungry family members. Perhaps our admiration of the well-turned-out kitchen was being sensed, as we began to smell for ourselves the delicious aroma of pot roast wafting through the kitchen! EVP from the kitchen session also revealed the clatter of pots and dishes. Cat heard the name “Hannah” in her head during this session. This information was given to the owner at the reveal, at which time the name had no significance to him. The owner subsequently did some research of his own and was able to discover an ancestor had married a Hanna in the early years of the last century and that the property had been home to “many little Hannas”.

And then there was the cat.

Mariel explains, “I sensed something coming quickly upon me from behind, and further sensed it was a white cat. As the cat seemingly “broke through a portal” and leapt into the kitchen, I felt I was sensing a real - not a phantom- cat and the only mystery at hand was to figure out how Kitty got into the house. So I was totally caught off guard moments later when I felt it rub against my leg yet no cat was there!”  Mystery Kitty was not finished with us yet, though. Cat -- our Catherine-- began to feel the persistent rubbing sensation on her legs and a subsequent photo taken by Janet revealed a large orb, cat-height, at her leg.

The upstairs had its own special energy. A display case on the upper landing showcased family artifacts and memorabilia. The room that was most recently used as a craft room held our fascination as what appeared to be a child-sized mist swirled dimly in the darkness. Fortunately, this odd swirling movement was captured on our camcorder.

Yet sometimes the strangest part of an investigation occurs after the actual investigation itself. Upon our arrival for the reveal, we were greeted by the sight of a handsome white cat lounging on the wide front porch of the house. Our client told us this cat, however, could not have figured into our “white cat” experience as it had shown up some days after our investigation and been hanging around since then. The "coincidental" presence of the cat impressed the Ghost PRO team, though, and we even decided to name our investigation “The Cat’s Meow” in its honor. Cat called up our client to see if he could snap a photo of our new feline celebrity. “It’s the strangest thing,” she was told. “That white cat showed up about three days before you returned for the reveal and it disappeared three days after. Haven’t seen it since.”

~~  The CatHerder














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