Ghost PRO Meeting

 January 20, 2009

Atlanta Bread Company

Greenville, SC



Meeting began at 7:20 pm  with

Members Present:








Guest and possible new Member:  Catherine

Notation:  Due to a last minute cancellation by Barnes and Nobles, the meeting was changed to Atlanta Bread Co. who was more than accommodating and offered us their generous last minute hospitality.  An immediate message board was posted regarding the last minute change as well as, Janet, calling everyone she knew numbers for to tell of the change.  The manager of Barnes and Nobles assured Janet of placing a notice on the door regarding the change for our members, but did not, which caused some problems and bad relations to new members. 

An online Chat was posted and opened with for all members who could not attend.

Open Discussions: 

New Member Greetings:  to Catherine, our newest member.  Coming to our group with many years of sensitivitythat she has recently accepted and learning more of, as well as, plentiful notes she has taken and written of her experiences and locations of possible investigation.  Welcome on board Catherine! 

Change of Meeting Date:  Conflict with 3rd Tuesday of the Month scheduled meeting to be changed:  Tina - founder and lead investigator not able to attend due to school, as well as others who have other prior commitments for this date.  New date suggested was 2nd Wednesdays of the month, with February 11, 2009 being our next meeting, starting at 6:30.  Voting was opened to everyone present and agreed upon.  Tentative location:  Greer Library, will give update once confirmation from library received.  Will need new location for Spartanburg, due to the problem of this meeting and broken promises.  

Member dues:  A discussion of possible member dues should be created to later buy equipment for the team and or any “hospitality” help for members in need.  Everyone present agreed and a set fee of $10.00 each month will be due, starting at the next meeting:  Wednesday, February 11, 2009.

Update on our Web and Email:

Email address is:

Web hosting will be set up soon by Mariel and any assistance by Josh.  Possible name: or net. Once set up has been made a confirmation will be sent out.  

Business cards: 

Mariel is working on our business cards and samples were passed out for ideas.  If anyone is interested in having their own cards:  Investigator; we are asking that you please supply the paper and possibly pitch in on the $ for the ink to print and she will provide!

Names for our logo/mascot:

Anyone wants to submit a name for our Angel (logo) please put your idea in and once we have enough submissions, we will have everyone vote for the best one! 

Ghost PRO officers:

Decision and voting for officers for the team was cast and determined as follows:

Tina – Founder and Lead Investigator (Self explanatory)

Tommy - Sr and Lead Investigator/Cryptozoologist:  due to his coming to the group with previous investigation experience and involvement with other national paranormal group.

Open position for Lead/Sr Investigator:  (Needing someone with previous paranormal investigation experiences, will vote on next meeting)

Janet - Case Manager/Assistant Organizer (Extensive research experience as well as previous paranormal investigation, excellent organization, writing and PR skills – previous experience in novelty writing) 

Mariel-“ Certified WebMaster (Extensive and current WebMaster teacher) 

Bob - Treasurer

Mandi - Secretary/Sensitive (Minutes keeper at each meeting and investigation/sensitivity experience and documented with skills still be developed and understood) 

Josh - IT Support (Extensive electronic knowledge and computer software major)

Catherine - Investigator/Sensitive in Training (Documented current and previous sensitivity, still be developed and understood) 

Up Coming Investigations Possibilities:

Hell's Gate - Oakwood Cemetary  Spartanburg, SC

Old Theater - Tryon, NC

Old Stone Church - Clemson, SC

Walnut Grove Plantation - Spartanburg,SC

The Inn on Main - Spartanburg,SC

The Children's Cemetary - Furman Greenville, SC

The Blue House - Alabama St Spartanburg, SC

Aiken Jail House - Aiken, SC

Destination Investigations:

West Virginia

Waverly Sanitorium

Charleston, SC

All discussions were closed and meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. 



Cc: Ghost PRO Team Members